This post is from back in 2008 and its still one of my favorite spiritual albums.

Y-Love and Diwon are on tour right now in Ukraine and since good things often get lost in the shuffle and since I’m just now getting back from Uman I wanted to repost this post about the Tikkun Klali. In Uman at Rabbi Nachmans grave it is said that if you recite the ten paragraphs of Tehilim you will go to heaven and if you have payot and say them he will pull you put of hell by those payot. So I grew mine nice and long grabbed one of the hundreds of white Tikkuns and got to it. This being a few days after Simchat Torah and eight after reading Genesis is shull that Shabbat the vibe was perfect. Had I come a month before during Rosh Hashana I would have been joined by 25,000 others….Now to the re-post …… If you are down with Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, you will FLIP YOUR ISHT. If not, you will probably start keeping the Sabbath now (sheigetzis!) ok, sorta kidding, but seriously this is such a beautiful, and I say for the first time without cringing, spiritual album. What album is we talking about? Tikkun Klali by Erez Yechiel. Which is a chill bluntted souled out album with layers of deeply ambient music set to Erez singing as if his life depended on it. Each song comes from the Breslov tradition by the grand rabbi, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. more info: “This prayer is a kabbalistic tikkun, a powerful ‘repairing’ prayer, and comprises and introductory prayer, 10 specially selected psalms in a special order, and a concluding prayer.” CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE ALBUM FOR FREE FROM SHEMSPEED!!!!!
Shalom lekulam, Erez

p.s. Why is it that these Breslovers are so on point? I remember the first time I heard Yosef Karduners, “Road Marks”, I was blown away and wanted to throw out all my non Jewish CDs, get rid of all my clothes that had any shade besides black and white, wife some chick and have tons of babies with those swirly hair lock things. thats good music man….makes you wanna do crazy things.

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