There are some movies that really do make you feel like Jews run Hollywood. This is one of those movies. The director is Jewish, the actors are Jewish, and even wear Super Jew t-shirts, and they make sure that the word comes up every 30 minutes on the dot and then if that is not enough, they throw in a million more famous actors in a way that says, “yea, we could do that easy”. I remember seeing the previews thinking, this movie is going to be amazingly hilarious. I didn’t remember there being a story, I sort of thought it was them on the road and their lives interspersed. But, the film most definitely had a story and it was full of drama and emotions, something that is generally missing in comedies of this caliber. Adam Sandler took on a funny, post-midlife-crisis, Bill Murray role and I was left loving him as an actor even more for it. The film had a bit of a post-modern twist to it casting him as a character with parallels to his true self. Both rose to fame with their one dimensional roles, but as you watch Sandler’s characters dimensions mature, you are also watching Sandler himself grow as an actor.

– Erez Safar

p.s. RZA is in it, which is just … well … awesome!

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